The Benefits of Mineral Make-Up - Karen Renee Knowles
The Benefits of Mineral Make-Up

The Benefits of Mineral Make-Up

November 24, 2021


The Benefits of Mineral Make-Up



Mineral make-up is made from earth pigments and natural minerals. These elements are ground to a fine powder and mixed to form foundation, blush, and powder. Mineral make-up is free from perfumes, artificial dyes, preservatives, oils, wax, or talc. Instead, it contains titanium and zinc oxide, which have natural UV protectant properties. Mineral make-up is non-comedogenic, which means it won't clog pores. Here are some other benefits of mineral make-up.


  1. Fewer germs


Proponents of mineral make-up claim it is purer than conventional make-up. The minerals used in this natural make-up are inorganic, which means they will not harbor bacteria the same way organic materials would. This is especially helpful for women who have acne or rosacea. Because of its inorganic nature, mineral make-up lasts a long time.


  1. A natural look


Mineral make-up is reported to feel light on the face, and to provide coverage without looking heavy. For women who use make-up to cover fine lines and wrinkles, mineral make-up is ideal - its light-reflecting qualities obscure wrinkles. Women who have used mineral make-up claim it feels as if you are not wearing make-up at all. The earth tones complement nearly all complexion types.


  1. Enhanced complexion


Because the minerals used are anti-inflammatory, mineral make-up can be used by women with sensitive skin. It is oil-free, so women with oily complexions need not worry about using it. Mineral make-up is, in fact, the only make-up that can be used after undergoing a facial chemical peal. If you find conventional make-up irritating, you may be able to tolerate mineral make-up with no problem.


  1. Better for the environment


When you purchase conventional make-up, you are supporting a chemical industry that is a factor in pollution. Also, when you throw away conventional make-up - either when it is outdated or you are finished with it and residue remains in the container - you are putting those chemicals back into the environment.


Mineral make-up comes from the earth to begin with, so returning it there should not cause problems. Also, companies that manufacture mineral make-up tend to be eco-conscious and engage in environmentally friendly manufacturing processes. And most mineral make-up manufacturers do not engage in animal testing.


Your local health food store is a good place to start if you want to try mineral make-up. They will usually have "testers" available for you to see how the make-up looks on your skin. However, as more and more people demand more natural make-up options, you may start seeing mineral make-up in conventional stores more often.

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