Young Living Offers the highest quality Essential Oils that I can find. They are actually 100% Pure and many can even be consumed- Used for cooking, baking, add to water, etc... I wouldn't trust other brands stating they are 100% pure because the oil only needs to contain as low as 5% of the actual pure product to be labeled 100% pure. Wow! That's insane to me. The other 95% could be filled with any other chemicals they decide to cut it with to decrease costs and make you think you are getting a deal. If you see a really cheap oil on the store shelves (yes, this does include health food stores unfortunately) Ask yourself WHY it is so cheap and if that is something you want strolling through your bloodstream.
To learn more about Young Living's dedication to purity with their Seed to Seal Process
Read about Young Living's Seed to Seal Guarantee
Make sure you are using High Quality Essential Oils
Not all Essential Oils are created equally. Did you know that many of the oils on the market are what is considered “low perfume quality” or C & D Grade oils? These oils are highly de-natured during production, meaning, they are over-processed & chemical filled. Actually, many of these oils are merely cheap perfume. This includes oils found in health food stores as well. Know this!! ONLY 5% to 23% of the 100% pure chemical is NEEDED- To be able to call the oil 100% pure. That’s crazy! That means that up to 95% of the product can be filled with any other chemical the manufacture decides to cut it with to save on expenses. Apparently as long as 5% of it is pure than that is enough for some companies. Well NOT for me!! Not anymore. I had no idea until a couple years ago when I found Young Living. They are the ONLY Essential Oil Company that owns their own farms and distilleries around the world. This means they are in complete control of everything that goes into making these oils. They won’t even allow chemical treated water on their farms. Quality is on top of the list at Young Living and they have strict testing standards every step of the way. Young Living Essential Oils are the only ones I trust and since they are safe enough to ingest internally (Grade A - They even have food labels on them) so I know they are the purest alternative to all of the toxic chemicals in everyday products. I am NOT saying there aren’t other high quality oils out there, I just know I have tried a WIDE variety of Brands of oils, and have been very disappointed along the way. You really do get what you pay for as far as pure oils go.
Knowing everything I know today- I will never again use products on my skin that are not safe enough to ingest. It’s never too late to start on a healthier path! Small daily changes really can make a huge positive impact for the rest of your life. Start NOW!
To order a Premium Starter Kit from Young Living and start Living your BEST LIFE today!! Click here to learn more or to place an order
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