Moisturizing Fizzy all natural Bath Bombs - Karen Renee Knowles

Moisturizing Fizzy Bath Bombs

November 07, 2015

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Moisturizing Fizzy Bath Bombs

Dry ingredients:

Any shape mold- Round, square, heart, they all work nicely.

Wet ingredients:

  1. Mix all dry ingredients in a mixing bowl.
  2. In a separate dish glass dish mix wet ingredients and combine the two. Whisk for about a minute and then press mix into your mold. Make sure to whisk fast when adding wet ingredients to prevent fizzing.
  3. When mixed it doesn’t really even look wet, but it compacts into your molds nicely. Remove from molds and allow to dry overnight. After drying through the night they are rock hard.
  4. When added to your bath water they fiz for almost 2 minutes.

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