How To Use Essential Oils On your Dogs 101- With DIY Recipes - Karen Renee Knowles
How To Use Essential Oils On your Dogs 101- With DIY Recipes

How To Use Essential Oils On your Dogs 101- With DIY Recipes

February 08, 2017 5 Comments

How To Use Essential Oils On your Dogs 101- With DIY Recipes

5 Responses

Jamie Bahn
Jamie Bahn

August 01, 2020

My dog has been at her paws for a long time and it’s driving me crazy!, I love your post and I’m really loving my oils!, Thanks for sharing!!

Michelle Thompson Gyles
Michelle Thompson Gyles

January 30, 2020

Amazing post, thank you so much. I’m pinning this to my favourites!

Stacye Smith
Stacye Smith

January 30, 2020

Hello, loved the information on the essential oils for dogs. I have a question.
My dog Lucy just chews and chews on her haunches, to the point of bleeding. She gets a cortisone shot every year for this, sometimes 2.
Could you give a suggestion on what I could mix up to put on her to maybe help stop the itching. She doesn’t do this so much in the winter, only the summer, so I am assuming its an allergic reaction to something, maybe a type of grass???
Thanks for any suggestions.

Sheila Gilles
Sheila Gilles

April 04, 2019

New to Young Living, thanks for all the information on oils for dogs.


April 04, 2019

Wow! All I have to say is WOW. I have made the diy dog shampoo. My dog was so stinky that no matter what shampoo I used, store bought or the one at a dog groomer my doggie always had that musky moldy dirty sock wet dog smell, it was gross! No one couldn’t pet her for a minute, that’s how bad she smelt. But when I saw this on Pinterest and contained essential oils I had to try it and sure enough I bathe her and oh gees her coat smelt amazing, she no longer smelt like bum, lol. Instead of using plain Castile soap I used lavender Castile soap, it pretty much did the same. So thanks for sharing this lovely diy dog shampoo.

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